We live in “Interesting Times”. The Chinese curse sort of Interesting Times. Times when there is something interesting to write home about: famine, floods, war, devastation, catastrophe. You get the idea. Every once in a while there is some good news. By and large, though, it is as my dear departed Aunt Ethel used to say, “No news is good news.”
We live in a time of “Manna From Heaven”. The possession of hemp in the United States is legal. The sale of hemp, however, falls to the State Created System. Hence, “Manna from Heaven” because however the flower got into your possession is sketchy. I can have a hemp flower arrangement on my table and it would be legal…as long as the hemp comes from certified hemp seed stock…and I have the paperwork. If any one is listening then please know this is actually something I want and I have the bud vase ready for a hemp bud.
Meanwhile, people are still getting into trouble with the Executive Branch of Government for transgressions to the letter of the law. In other words, there are Scofflaws out there who commit frequent acts of Civil Disobedience by participating in an unlawful market…with a wink and nod. Square Grouper still washes up on our Florida Beaches. There are experienced growers who have been for generations trying to meet the demand of the cannabis market for both social and therapeutic use. It is a thriving, robust market if you know the right people.
The idea that “recreational cannabis is inevitable” is pervasive. Yet, just today, I listened to not one, but TWO Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS) meetings held in our State’s Capital City talking about the Rules for Hemp in Florida. In the second meeting, 3 subcommittees were created with one of those having 2 subsubcommittees. All of this investment of resources to address low-THC (<0.3%) hemp.
The Florida Department of Agriculture seems to be flexible and accommodating to farmers’ interests. Cannabis is an industry that A LOT OF PEOPLE want to see take root and thrive, myself included (remember the bud vase).
There is at least one attorney who is asking questions on the early morning meeting. He is so ready to hear someone say, “This is all about Cannabis. One plant. Many uses…including FUN. Why are we making it so complicated?”
In my mind, I see this whole process as a really good example of the true nature of our Elected Officials’ economic policies. This is bigger than just the Cannabis plant. Our Government is creating a new industry from scratch. Which of the emotionally loaded economic system names are they going to resemble? (See any of the “Economics According to Cows” internet searches).
I suggest We the People watch closely and take note.
The volunteers who are Florida Cannabis Action Network are watching. If you care about the economic market that comes out of the sausage-making-legislative-process, then you would not be remiss to make some contribution that is more than doing nothing. Show up and participate by giving your time and talent. Donate financially. Talk to your friends and family. Take care of your health. Reconsider your “just say no” stance to “just say know”. DO MORE THAN ZERO!
Meanwhile, enjoy the Manna From Heaven.
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