What you need to know about the new hemp law in Florida.
May 3, 2019 the Florida Senate finalized SB 1020 and has sent it to the Governor’s desk. The bill becomes law on the signature of the Governor or ten days after it is sent to his desk unless the Governor vetoes the bill.
Hemp products will finally be legal in Florida!
The law states extracts are not an adulterant; which means food products made with hemp oil or CBD in an industrial kitchen under approved conditions are legal!
Nothing in the law prohibits CBD flowers with a THC count under 0.3 percent with a valid Certificate of Origin (COO) and Certificate of Analysis (COA) by an independent accredited testing laboratory.
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Affairs will adopt rules for cultivation licensure in the next 90 days. The plan developed by the Florida Department of Ag must be approved by the US Secretary of Agriculture. So, in a nutshell, more rules are coming soon.
Those interested in growing hemp will be required at a minimum to:
- Pay an annual licensing fee to be determined by the Department;
- Procure seeds through a University or certified seed source;
- Pass a level 2 Background check initially and with each renewal;
- Assure all owners, officers, stakeholders and directors have passed a level 2 background check;
- Provide GPS coordinates for any land where hemp is cultivated;
- Give written consent for law enforcement to inspect without notice or warrant.
Those who are selling or distributing hemp EXTRACT will at a minimum be required to have a COA from an accredited independent lab that:
- States the batch number;
- Confirms the THC content is under .03 percent by dry weight;
- Shows the batch is free from contaminants.
Products distributed in Florida at a minimum must be in a container or package that includes:
- A QR Code or scannable barcode to the certificate of analysis;
- The batch number;
- An internet address where the batch information can be obtained;
- The expiration date;
- The number of milligrams of hemp extract;
- A statement that the product contains a total delta 9 THC of under 0.3%.
The language included in the bill expands the current hemp research program to include more universities and colleges. It also removed the two-year research component.
The legislation creates the Industrial Hemp Advisory Board. The Board will work as an adjunct to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. It shall be composed of appointed members and standing members from a wide range of agriculture areas and law enforcers.
Finally, the bill changes the definition of cannabis in section 893.02 to exempt industrial hemp. Florida Cannabis Action Network is proud to have been a leading voice in bringing legal hemp to Florida.
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