As part of the effort to defeat the CAPS bill, HB 1455, Florida Cannabis Action Network asked all of us to “call our Representatives.” I tend to vote for Democratic candidates, but my elected Florida House of Representatives member is a Republican – Dana Trabulsy.
Imagine my surprise when Dana Trabulsy answered my phone call on the first ring. “This is Dana, how may I help you?” “Dana Trabulsy?” I asked. She said, ”Yes, who is this”? I said, “My name is Tony Walker and I live in St. Lucie County,” to which she replied, “Me too, I represent you and district 84”.
After thanking her for personally taking my call, I explained that I represent the 71% majority of Floridians who voted in favor of medical marijuana. I expressed my outrage that legislators have put forward HB 1455 which seeks to cap THC levels, something that will only hurt, not help Floridians.
I am happy to report that Dana Trabulsy listened to my point of view for nearly 20 minutes and later cast the only Republican “NO” vote against the bill in committee.
I would like to share this one weird talking point that we discussed. I told her that Cannabis is not at all like opioids where limiting milligrams of a drug like Oxycontin would make perfect sense. But limiting or “capping” THC levels does not make sense because those two drugs work in opposite ways in completely different systems within our bodies.
She listened to my entire elevator speech about cannabinoids being “retrograde neurotransmitters” and she seemed to follow me just fine. I explained some hard science as simply as I was able. Perhaps it is because I have worked as a Registered Nurse for so many years, that she trusted me and listened to my “Legislator lecture” all the way through.
I tried to convey the human cost – that people would surely suffer in many ways if this bill became law. Dana listened to my point of view and responded.
I am a registered Democrat who just became a Dana Trabulsy supporter.
Each of us is an expert at something. Perhaps your thing is Economics, in which case, you could call your elected representative and share what you know about how current laws create a financial burden for consumers and patients. Whatever it is, your story is unique and the people who represent you need to hear it. My hope is that others will be inspired to make the call and “share what we each know.”
It CAN make all the difference.
Anthony Walker R.N.
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