Cannabis 201
Education and Service.
What happens when the flowers are gone?
By Joshua Lavy
As a member of the Medical Marijuana program for a few years now I have been following each dispensary and watching them mature as time goes on. Through it all we have seen more containers, waste and material used than anyone could have ever imagined. Especially for a state that has been working diligently for better access to technology for recycling goods and handling waste. Thankfully there may be options to in the emerging market for remediation and developing a healthier environment for the future.
Access to Flower: Patients as of 2019 in the state of Florida can access the whole form of Cannabis Sativa and Indica flower. This was an important win for patients and advocates across the state of Florida in moving patient care forward. With this adoption we have seen some movement in Dispensing flower, though most have chosen packaging that easily creates waste or breaks down into hazardous material, like methane. Without access to better routes of dispensary services I believe this waste will continue. For some patients their access to a ten-day supply is as few as 8 containers, many times creating much more; this is nothing less than wasteful and expensive for all layers of the economy. See the image below for a direct example. Some of these containers are BioDegradable while others are Compostable, can you tell the difference? Once all the flower is gone, this is what remains.
With some Dispensaries creating RSO oil, or Rick Simpson Oil, Capsules and even disposable vaporizers, all methods of therapy and wellness for those suffering from Cancer- we see very small containers and the only way for some patients to find relief is also by creating great amounts of waste per day while working with their ailments and finding their own health. Some organizations still use toxic plastics, sadly every decision has great consequences and reward. Make sure you know the difference and remember- it’s your right to ask.
BioDegradable VS. Compostable
“Biodegradable plastics are made from the same materials as conventional petroleum based plastics, but with even more chemicals. These extra chemicals cause the plastic to break down more rapidly when exposed to air and light. Some biodegradable plastics fragment rather than biodegrade, due to the addition of oxidizing agents (found in “oxo-degradable plastics”). By fragmenting, rather than degrading, they break into small pieces which can pollute soils, increase risk of ingestion for animals and end up in our oceans and waterways”
Most bioplastics, plastic and Biodegradable materials are not a good choice in any world other than one only concerned about profit,though we have until recently not has mad options available. As you can see above these choices are not safe for the environment or forgiven by nature. Thankfully, most every Dispensary in the state of Florida has access to container recycling for these toxic substances so they don’t become a nuisance on you or your local municipality recycling.
Compostable Materials on the other hand are pretty much the only safe and effective way to continue producing cannabis medicine, without dispensaries adopting a refillable bottle, bag or method that engages home grow. These compostable materials are able to degrade when reaching a landfill or biomass and will not leach toxins or chemical modification to the fertilizer and land they are being recycled upon. One example is Hemp based containers and products. Not only will we be seeing this material readily available, as waste from the agricultural industry, but it is also a key component to soil remediation and the development of future growth for Florida landscape, river ways and oceans. Organizations like Native Hemp Solutions are trailblazing a path forward to a more environmentally conscious and sustainable Florida, offering new options in technology and industry.
If you would like to do some of your own research, here are a few links to get you started:
As always, please join FLORIDA CANNABIS ACTION NETWORK to see more of our work across the state for Cannabis legislation, industry and education.
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