Our Florida government is ACTIVELY working to restrict our rights to cannabis!
The 10% cap has passed the House (HB713) WITHOUT allowing public comment. This bill could go to the Senate floor with NO FURTHER PUBLIC COMMENT!
Our government is also ACTIVELY restricting your ability to VOTE on citizens ballot initiatives by restricting access (SB1794)! So if you think we will free this plant via the Constitution as we did with medical, you are dead wrong unless you’ve got VERY deep pockets (Make it Legal Florida spent 8 million and didn’t make it). The restrictions they have imposed make it impossible for any grassroots initiative to reach the ballot. Say goodbye to adult use and homegrow.
So they’re cutting out our voices and our right to vote in what they refuse to advance.
In the meantime, I’m seeing misinformed comments all over the internet:
“I don’t care because it’s only 21 and under” some people say
- this is a slippery slope. They will be back for ALL forms of medical Cannabis for ALL patients! Right now this bill (HB713) affects over 20,000 very sick pediatric patients. HB 577 is going to track marijuana use in people who are being treated for psychosis. Soon, they will have the data they want to take away THC products with more than a 10% concentration of any type of THC.
“If this passes I’ll just go back to the black market.”
- and they will happily house you in Florida’s for-profit prison system. After all we have to keep them 90% full or we pay a penalty.
- plus, while black market works for you, vulnerable patients deserve products that are pure, precise and predictable. FLCAN supports third party testing because sick patients need safe medicine.
Let’s not forget that our government has been lying to us about this plant for more than 80 years! Let’s also not forget that they have slow rolled this program and ignored many good bills that could improve it (employee protections, horizontal integration, expansion of qualifing conditions). We had to fight in the courts to get our Constitutional right to smokable cannabis!
And the Secretary of State asked for an additional $266,000 (two hundred sixty six thousand dollars) to hire two more attorneys!!!!
Now is not the time to be okay with your rights being taken away!
So for those who do care, this is what you can do:
As a business or organization, if you oppose this cap, STATE THE NAME OF YOUR COMPANY IN COMMENTS BELOW and we will add you to our sign on support letter that will be distributed to the Senate. You can read the wording here:
As a citizen who opposes this cap, continue calling and writing your Senators and Representatives! Find your legislators contact info here:
As a cannawarrior who is fed up and wants to support the volunteers fighting for your rights, join FLCAN.org today!
Stay informed, stay in the fight, continue learning and educating. FLCAN is here for you.
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