20191221 The Legend of Stone Soup, by Ethel Rowland
Solstice was celebrated with Stone Soup today at Sunnier. I have heard enough renditions of The Legend of Stone Soup that I have been able to distill the elements of the story to five: the traveler(s); the villager(s); a stone; an intention (magic, bad intention (i.e. deceit), benevolence, possibly others); and an offering or a request. Someone suggested adding the pot as an element but I thought that would be more of a prop or flower than a character…if it were a pot of pot I might reconsider though.
So, these are the common elements of the story. The original version on Kaptain Kangaroo heard by many involved a soldier traveling home from some historical far-flung war, laundry maids/women, a stone of possible nutritional value, and a request for one thing serially. The soldier provides a hearty soup that feeds the villagers and himself and instills a sense of community before he heads on down the road.
Some people give the stone magical properties. Some people tell of multiple travelers who may have nefarious intent plotting and planning and spinning yarns to entice the villagers to give up their pantry.
I’ve enjoyed the various renditions, but my favorite was Stoned Soup concocted with cannabis for its euphoric properties.
I hope y’all are enjoying the shortest days of the year. May light return to your life, both in brilliance and weight. May you enjoy at least a moment of every day. May your curiosity never disappear. May you find contentment and peace of mind.
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