Medical patients and recreational users alike have an equal right to Delta 8. Most anywhere that lottery tickets are sold there will be a Delta 8 and Hemp CBD bundle. Is it Right? Every day more companies grow their own Hemp and State approved farms continue to multiply.
Still we as Floridian’s see more and more danger from the synthetics used with these Delta 8 taxable products due to Delta-9 THC being so regulated. This is terrible news because the Delta-8 Cannabinoid is important for so many medical conditions. Some companies have done a wonderful job and have a truly therapeutic product.
“Mouth sores, red spots, dizziness and more have been reported with Third party tested Delta-8 Frankenstein Monsters. “
Thankfully, no one died. Most say after trying it once, they’ll not being trying it again without better handling and care from the companies in production.
Hats off to those that take the care and discipline to create the better bud.
A few groups have taken the conversation further by petitioning, but these current petitions do little to prevent bad companies from poisoning the well.
Write, Call and spend your dollars wisely because You are heard. Change is happening.
Do your part and be in the Know. FL can and with you we will.
This was an Opinion and Journaling from Joshua James and other patients around the USA. Delta 8 when created properly can be a wonderful product.
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