Controversy over Cannabis Leadership, shining a Light.
Crisis, Scandal, Rouse or accident? We let the voters decide this upcoming primary and major election. These results will shake...
Crisis, Scandal, Rouse or accident? We let the voters decide this upcoming primary and major election. These results will shake...
This time every year we turn to the skies and our loved ones, as we honor our great nation and...
How we tax Cannabis won’t make a huge impact on the Florida state budget, but it will make an impact on consumers- specifically patients and those on a fixed income.
I first heard about Make it Legal Florida at an FLCAN quarterly Board of Director’s Meeting. Ethel Rowland, our current president was talking about MILF. “MILF will do this, MILF will do that…”
Cannabis 201 FLCAN.ORG Education and Service. Containers: What happens when the flowers are gone? ___ By Joshua Lavy As a...
This year USA Today did a comprehensive review of where the Democratic Presidential Candidates stand on cannabis.