Florida CAN has been working with nurses, doctors, politicians, police and patients for decades seeing the potential for MANAGING DRUG-ADDICTION with the CANNABIS PLANT and Cannabis therapies. Therefore, we would all like to reintroduce SAFE HAVEN PROPOSALS to every member and supporter of this plant based wellness.
Having heard from many that Cannabis has helped their own lives and the lives of the ones the love, everyone at FLCAN asks you to please recommend Cannabis use alternatives to all levels of legislation, family care and local health care providers for substance abuse and health concerns that we as a growing state must address.
LONG TERM Results have shown POSITIVE RESULTS In NON-CONTINUED use and dependency for the following and many others,

Many say Less is More, FLCAN reminds you to ask the question-When is More needed?
Please be safe and always use a state dispensary with your MMU recommendation.
Ask your doctor or a Care-Giver approved by the state for more information with your own health.
For any other questions, please Talk to our staff and partnered medical clinics for further clarification on Isolated Dosing and patient use guides.
FLCAN recommends this medicine as a first place option as opposed to the last resort it has so commonly been seen as for most of the last century. These are some of the Many reasons we guide people to this medicine;
Medically considered a Safe Substance
Producers and Testing agencies are Informed and have Appreciation for SAFE Ingredients.
Multi-Options Tincture, Inhalation, Edible.
Ability to Self-Manage medicine as opposed to multiple trips per day/week to clinics.
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