I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions. It just seems like everyone starts January feeling optimistic about completing these amazing goals and, by the second week of February, most have given up and begun to feel a failure because they couldn’t even make it two months.
This year, the team at FL CAN would like to help you make a goal that will leave you feeling successful. We challenge you to resolve to do more than zero! What does this mean exactly? We are challenging you to do something, anything, that makes a difference in the fight for cannabis rights for all.
Click here for no cost ways to help end cannabis prohibition!
One of the easiest ways to make a difference is through a donation to FL CAN. We are thankful for all of our financial sponsors! Maybe you can afford to become one of our large sponsors and receive the benefits that come along with that membership level. Or, maybe you can’t make a large donation, but still feel you can afford to help financially. You can set up a recurring donation and give as little as $5 per month. That’s less than most people spend on a cup of coffee. It’s a very affordable way to support the work of FL CAN.
Click here to make a recurring donation of $5.00 or more per month.
Many people have told me they wish they could help, but they don’t have the ability to make the trips to Tallahassee and speak to our lawmakers. To them I say, meet with your local lawmakers at their local offices. Form relationships and share your stories. This is where you can really make a difference! As a supporter, we make sure you have the training and tools you need to act locally.
A few people have told me they aren’t able to keep their cool while speaking to those who oppose something that is so vital to their health and quality of life. I have great news for you too! You can write letters and emails to your lawmakers. This gives you the ability to form your thoughts and process your frustration without saying the wrong thing to your lawmaker. If you get too upset, you can step away and return to it later. That’s the beauty of the written word.
Here are some tips for publishing letters to the editor.
In the end, the most important thing you can do is to educate the people around you. My father is a retired cop who was very dubious when I told him I was choosing medical marijuana over biologics. He joined me at a workshop with a doctor who understands cannabis. Dad left there with a whole new outlook on cannabis and an understanding of its ability to heal. While he’s still not ready to be a proponent of social use, he is extremely supportive of my use of and advocacy for cannabis. This man, who voted against the medical marijuana constitutional amendment, now believes in the power of cannabis to heal. If each person could change the minds of just five people, we would have very different policies.
In 2020, resolve to do more than zero with FL CAN! Comment below with your resolution to help FL CAN make a difference this year.
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