Stay in the Know – Events – Efforts – Actions
Our email list is private. We will not share or sell your information. From time to time we will send emails on behalf of our partners, about events in your area, regarding statewide efforts to change the laws, and actions you can take to help end the prohibition of the Cannabis plant.
Hear about our efforts. Learn to take action.
We are a state-wide group dedicated to safe, affordable access to the whole Cannabis plant. As part of Florida CAN, you will learn about events in your area, statewide efforts to change Cannabis laws, and actions you can take to help.

Florida CAN holds meet-ups regularly on Zoom. Many of our meetings are members-only. We know much of the content created during these meetings is important, therefore we’re making them available to everyone. If you’re not a member, view our meeting here from the embedded Facebook link. Better yet, “Like” us on Facebook and share our live streams on your page. Ideally you will learn about events in your area. Our team is working to keep subscribers informed on the actions they can take to help change laws and engage more people in the movement to end Cannabis prohibition.
You can use this link to find our Facebook page. Facebook has shadow-banned the FLCAN page for a long-time. Make sure you follow us. FLCAN also has a private members page.
We use our website and email list so content doesn’t get lost or censored.