We have spent a lot of time in Tallahassee. As a group, our volunteers have chalked up more hours meeting with lawmakers than any other cannabis advocacy organization in Florida.
Over that past six years we’ve learned your intentions do matter. On October 1, 2018 members of the Florida CAN leadership team were in Tallahassee for the negotiated rulemaking on dosing limits for patients. After it became clear we could not affect the the outcome, our team set out on an adventure.
Josephine Krehl, Maria and Ryan Hurley and Jodi James headed over to the Capitol complex. We all agree that if two or more agree as to any one thing it will be done for them. WE believe in setting our intentions and expecting to see the results.
At 12 noon we each stood on one side of the Capitol complex and we joined together in an intention to conspire with the Universe that those who are at the Capitol will act in the benefit of the plant for humanity.
There is a rising number of voices at the Capitol talking about cannabis. It is hard to intuit someone’s motives. It isn’t always possible to know who is paying who, who owes who a favor and who stands to benefit. Each year, as the choir of voices grow, it is easy for the voice of cannabis users and patients to get lost in the noise.
At Florida CAN, we don’t care who gets the lime-light, we care about ensuring everyone who needs cannabis has access to a safe, affordable supply. We want to ensure everyone who wants cannabis, can have access to legal cannabis. By setting these intentions, we reminded each other we’re a small part of a much grander plan and we believe our actions will be for the good of the people.
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