Believe it or not, many people who support legalizing Cannabis don’t use Cannabis. Mindlessly destroying lives to prohibit the use of a plant inspires many people to join our ranks as we support legalization.
Believe it or not, many pro-Cannabis people are still concerned about losing a job, explaining their use to other less enlightened friends, or even losing the respect of family members. These people will attend a private party and they will vote #Yeson3 if we ask.
Believe it or not, not everyone who uses Cannabis is already supporting #YesOn3. These non-believers can be encouraged to vote #YesOn3 when they hear what you have to say about your support. FLCAN is a great resource for persuasive reasons to vote #YesOn3.
Believe it or not, some people are so fed up with both parties they are considering not voting this November. Everyone who cares about legalizing Cannabis, safer products, lower prices, and better uses for law enforcement needs to register and vote. Even if the ONLY thing you vote for is Amendment 3. FLCAN has created a Voter’s Guide for Florida. Find out how your lawmakers vote and talk about Cannabis. We encourage everyone to vote pro-Cannabis.
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