While on the campaign trail Florida’s new Governor, Ron DeSantis, declared he was in support of Medical Cannabis. He even […]
We celebrate the human potential. We help one another develop the skills to make a difference.
The most important thing we can do is be authentic and share our stories.
We are setting aside our personal agendas to make a real change in our community with a united voice.
Trained and fortified, we speak with courage, often on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.
The path to sensible policies begins with education. We provide accurate information to our constituents and our legislators.
Ending cannabis prohibition is an important step in finding justice and providing people an equitable starting points.
Together, we work as friends with a purpose.
Read this article by Fox News Orlando about the hearing Florida Cannabis Action Network immediate-past president is still using her […]
Upon arriving in Tallahassee you can sense a type of new freshness in the air. There is a hustle and […]
Each year Florida Cannabis Action Network hosts an “Ugly Sweater Open House” at the Florida CAN office in Melbourne, FL. […]
Florida Cannabis Action Network volunteers spend a lot of time calling candidates leading up to the elections. Each election season […]
We have spent a lot of time in Tallahassee. As a group, our volunteers have chalked up more hours meeting […]