Laws that make ordinary, everyday activities illegal are unconstitutional because they are not only unenforceable, but they fail to meet their purpose.
We celebrate the human potential. We help one another develop the skills to make a difference.
The most important thing we can do is be authentic and share our stories.
We are setting aside our personal agendas to make a real change in our community with a united voice.
Trained and fortified, we speak with courage, often on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.
The path to sensible policies begins with education. We provide accurate information to our constituents and our legislators.
Ending cannabis prohibition is an important step in finding justice and providing people an equitable starting points.
Together, we work as friends with a purpose.
This year USA Today did a comprehensive review of where the Democratic Presidential Candidates stand on cannabis.
Celebrating the FMCCE
Spread across two days during the event our membership and leaders were able to educate hundreds of individuals about the benefits of this plant…
Florida is a Medically aware and abundant location for Cannabis and CBD users, offering relief from a wide variety of...
Your Hemp Business in Florida
What you need to know about the new hemp law in Florida. May 3, 2019 the Florida Senate finalized SB...
House Bill 7119 wasn't even on the radar. It was something about teen smoking. Anti-smoking proponents hammer the harms of...