We were happy to open our headquarters on Friday, December 20th, 2019 for our Ugly Sweater Open House and HollyDaze...
We celebrate the human potential. We help one another develop the skills to make a difference.
The most important thing we can do is be authentic and share our stories.
We are setting aside our personal agendas to make a real change in our community with a united voice.
Trained and fortified, we speak with courage, often on behalf of those who cannot speak for themselves.
The path to sensible policies begins with education. We provide accurate information to our constituents and our legislators.
Ending cannabis prohibition is an important step in finding justice and providing people an equitable starting points.
Together, we work as friends with a purpose.
Solstice was celebrated with Stone Soup today at Sunnier. I have heard enough renditions of The Legend of Stone Soup that I have been able to distill the elements of the story to five: the traveler(s); the villager(s); a stone; an intention (magic, bad intention (i.e. deceit)), benevolence, possibly others); and an offering or a request. Someone suggested adding the pot as an element but I thought that would be more of a prop or flower than a character…if it were a pot of pot I might reconsider, though.
In my circle of friends and family the first rule we came up with was: don’t steal other people’s lighters. Of course, one should always bring pot to a pot party, if at all possible.
Less than the price of a cup of coffee. Become a member or renew your commitment to FLCAN for just...
This year, the team at FL CAN would like to help you make a goal that will leave you feeling successful. We challenge you to resolve to do more than zero! What does this mean exactly? We are challenging you to do something, anything, that makes a difference in the fight for cannabis rights for all.
Do you know where candidates running for office near you feel about cannabis policy. Legalization means something different to everyone, ask good questions!