FLCAN hopes everyone is enjoying their summer and spending that time celebrating each day of wellness available. We thank everyone who joined us at the FMCCE this last June and again to everyone supporting the freedom of this plant and sharing credible information to anyone curious.
Our educators, leaders and volunteers joined together the week of June 28th to the 30th for the FMCCE event of St Petersberg, Florida.
Spending their time and sharing expertise on health, industry and much more while meeting with people of all backgrounds, from different states and nationalities, it was truly an event for anyone. Spread across two days during the event our membership and leaders were able to educate hundreds of individuals about the benefits of this plant and generating an environment of wellness that is larger than all of us. With every successful educational event, clinic ran and patient saved we see a growing body of evidence to finally give this plant the attention and respect it so deserves.
For more information about this plant or our cause please join FLCAN and its membership as we continue the effort in teaching one another wellness and strength through this natural plant resource available to everyone. You can find FLCAN across dozens of events across the state and nationally by joining our mailing list or leave your information to our community admin here on the website.
With regards and credit to our membership and leadership team for supplying content and coverage of such a prosperous event.
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