Watch Out for Edibles Coming your Way!
On the September 3, 2020 show we celebrated the publication of rules for edible medication and the news that edibles...
On the September 3, 2020 show we celebrated the publication of rules for edible medication and the news that edibles...
Join other members each week for some fun and information. FLCAN members are the lifeblood of the movement to end Cannabis prohibition.
How we tax Cannabis won’t make a huge impact on the Florida state budget, but it will make an impact on consumers- specifically patients and those on a fixed income.
I first heard about Make it Legal Florida at an FLCAN quarterly Board of Director’s Meeting. Ethel Rowland, our current president was talking about MILF. “MILF will do this, MILF will do that…”
Would passing the MILF petition, as written, give Medical Marijuana Treatment Centers in Florida blanket immunity from prosecution or product liability?
Cannabis Action Network was recognized as a powerful women-led organization by High Times in 1991. NORML for the suits and CAN for the rest of us. Now FLCAN is suits and grassroots.