Cannabis Consumption
Safe Cannabis consumption is important as more products hit the market. How should a new user approach legal access in a safe way?
Safe Cannabis consumption is important as more products hit the market. How should a new user approach legal access in a safe way?
More and more people are navigating the Cannabis landscape. Cannabis, once a taboo topic, has emerged from the shadows and into the mainstream. As legalization spreads across various regions, understanding the sources of Cannabis becomes critical.
Florida Cannabis Action Network turned 25 on October 26, 2023. Jodi James, our former executive director, and current president hosted...
Why aren’t we applying the same Covid-19 logic to Cannabis?? So far Covid-19 has far outpaced deaths with comparison to Cannabis deaths. Hundreds of thousands of deaths vs zero just so we are all on the same page.
Regulate Florida has a new petition. Read more about what’s next for the proposal and find a link to the full text here.
If convicted of a felony, Jack will spend thousands more to have the charges expunged or he will face a lifetime without access to rental housing, college opportunities, security clearances for well-paying jobs, and he loses his right to own a gun.