2024 – The Leadership We Could Have In Florida
2024- The legislative session that could have been. This is not fantasy, but almost. It is a reminder of the steps we were taking to make Florida a better place for patients.
Current Member of the FL – Senate
2024- The legislative session that could have been. This is not fantasy, but almost. It is a reminder of the steps we were taking to make Florida a better place for patients.
Legislative session fires up in Tallahassee on Tuesday, January 9th. There will be many flames to fan and blazes to put out! Florida Cannabis Action Network will keep boots on the ground throughout the session.
Florida is the 3rd largest cannabis market in the country, and that is WITHOUT recreational access to adults. Veterans, Snowbirds, and the Tourist population are widely in favor of full legalization to better assist with regulation.
How does your candidate rate? The FLCAN guide to the Florida House and Senate gives each candidate a rating from 0 to 5 Leaves!
There are no elections for Senate Seats with even numbers in 2020, except Senate District 20. Read more.