If you are new to politics, here are some terms you should know.
Districts – This is the geographical area each elected official represents.
Incumbent – This is the person who currently holds an elected office.
Redistricting – Once the census is completed every ten years, voting units are redrawn. According to law precincts and districts must contain as close to the same amount of people as possible. Equal representation is the goal
Precincts – This is the smallest voting unit. This is the neighborhood where you live and the surrounding areas. Each precinct has a unique polling location.
Term-limits – Many elected offices in Florida limit the amount of time any one person can hold an office uninterrupted. An elected official who has served the maximum number of years in any one seat may run for the Seat again provided some time has passed since they held the seat.
Vote-by-Mail – Each county has a Supervisor of Elections who is in charge of ensuring fair elections. The Supervisor of Elections, upon request, the Supervisors office will mail registered voters a ballot. This “absentee ballot” as it was once called, allows voters to fill out and return the ballot via mail. In some precincts this may help the voter avoid long lines. Those with transportation or mobility challenges can request a vote-by-mail ballot to assure they have the ability to exercise their right to vote.
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