I cross the state line and take a deep breath. I never thought I’d be so happy to cross the Florida-Georgia line. I finally feel safe! I don’t need to worry about going to jail for the medication that keeps me out of a wheelchair. At least, not until the next time I need to leave the state of Florida.
This all started with a phone call. My mother-in-law passed away and her funeral was to be held out-of-state. What should I do? Should I take my meds with me? Technically no, medical cannabis is still federally illegal. Do I chance it? Will I be safe? Maybe I should just take hemp (<0.3% THC) to be safe since it is federally legal? What if I get pulled over? Will the officer know the difference? Will I go to jail anyway? ( psychoactive v/s non psychoactive) THC v/s CBD? It’s all one plant! This is the conversation I had with myself and my husband while packing for the funeral.
Do I take a risk of breaking the law by taking my cannabis or do I spend this already difficult trip full of pain and anxiety? This is a call we all have to make eventually. Is it worth the risk? I guess it depends on if you use cannabis medically or recreationally. I need my medicine! I can’t go without it. What choice do I have? Ask the doctor for the 32 medications I used to be on so I can take them again for 7 days?!? Maybe I should give up. Retire back into isolation, despair, and my dusty wheelchair. No, I cannot do that! It’s not in my vocabulary. I MUST fight!
We won our medical marijuana program in the state of Florida. It might not be perfect, but that’s why we continue to fight. Just like we are fighting to change the vertical market into a horizontal market. The vertical system is why costs are high and why only the rich can get into the cannabis business in Florida. Ultimately, it’s going to be up to us. Which petitions or bills will we support? We all want access to cannabis, but compromises will have to be made. Do we lower our expectations to reflect what we know can make it through the Legislature? We might have to support an imperfect bill that is a step in the right direction.
So, how are all the Florida patients getting by? Do they break the law, take pharmaceuticals during travel, or just not leave Florida? Last year, I told legislators that honest people would become criminals. Have I broken the law? That’s between myself and my creator. The real question is, Should we have such unjust laws? Should I have to choose between attending a funeral and having medication? I moved to Florida for safe, legal access. Is that what I have? How safe am I really? This is why we must take our advocacy work to the federal level.
Currently, cannabis is a Schedule 1 drug, the same as heroin. If the federal government deschedules cannabis, we’ll begin to see the scientific studies we’ve all been asking for, which will eventually lead to changed minds. Changed minds that will change laws that force me to choose between following the law and being healthy.
I am still reflecting on the qualities of the bills being presented this year, both in Tallahassee and DC, but I’m hopeful that our voices will be heard. A day will come when I no longer need to fear approaching the Georgia state line.
Be sure to keep up with FLCAN so you know what’s happening! R U 1 of us? Join us at FLCAN.org today! U R 1 of us!
Tanya Bailey
US Arm
Veteran Liaison
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