Florida Cannabis Action Network began its most modern reorganization in November 2010 under Cathy Jordan as President. She had a passion for helping patients. She invited Jodi James to “jump into the deep end of the pool with her.” Under Jodi’s strategic direction, the organization went to Tallahassee to change state laws. They fanned the flames of people’s passion as they brought their message of the benefits of Cannabis into homes around the world.
In 2011, freshman lawmaker, the Honorable Representative Jeff Clemens introduced a resolution to a medical marijuana amendment on the ballot in 2012. The bill died without ever being heard. It was the first medical marijuana bill introduced in Florida since The Therapeutic Access to Schedule 1 Drugs Act in 1978.
Since 2011, the number of bills introduced in Florida has grown exponentially. The team in 2020 followed over a dozen bills in both Chambers.
Today, the bills introduced touch on all areas of life in Florida. Cannabis effects the economy, our health, public safety, incarceration rates and costs, just to name a few.
Our team works closely with lawmakers to make legislation better. We can not guarantee that the final result is what we want, but we lobby in order to make bills better.
We’ve made a significant impact on these bills in Florida.
2014 Passed low-THC for seizures, spasticity, and cancer
2016 Passed Hemp Research Act
2016 Added high THC for terminal patients
2017 Revised existing laws to enact the 2016 Constitutional Amendment
2017 Revised Hemp law to allow private funding of research projects
2019 Added smoking to the allowed Routes of administration
2019 Passed legislation allowing for commercial hemp cultivation.
Each election cycle, we employ a team to survey candidates. We share the results with voters. In 2012, Representative Jeff Clemens challenged another Representative for the Senate Seat. While both candidates were good on drug policy, Jeff Clemens was our champion. We sent emails to over 2000 people in his district reminding them to vote Clemens for Senate. Jeff Clemens became a Senator in a recount with less than 30 votes between the candidates. Every vote counts. Make sure you vote for pro-Cannabis candidates.
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