Legislative session fires up in Tallahassee on Tuesday, January 9th. There will be many flames to fan and blazes to put out! Florida Cannabis Action Network will keep boots on the ground throughout the session. This means we will have representation for all cannabis-relevant discussions, especially the “last-minute” scheduled meetings.
We need your support! Below is a breakdown of what we call the good, the bad, and the ugly. These are the proposed laws that will lead us into Election 2024 when Cannabis legalization is expected to hit the ballot for your vote!
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Join us in Tallahassee on Jan. 16th for Cannabis at the Capitol – our 7th annual Citizens Lobby Day! Register at Eventbrite
The Good:
- Medical Marijuana Use Registry Identification Cards for Veterans (SB 1514 by Torres and HB 1435 by Valdes – Free MMJ cards for Vets – this bill is championed by Weed4 Warriors, Florida Cannabis Action Network, and Suncoast NORML)
- Parole (SB 1648 by Powell – Reinstating parole for offenders who solely committed certain nonviolent felony offenses including certain drug offenses)
- Protection of Parental Rights (SB 1496 by Polsky – Prohibiting a court from denying or restricting certain parental rights based solely on a parent’s medical marijuana use; prohibiting the presumption of neglect or child endangerment based solely on a parent’s medical marijuana use championed by Suncoast NORML)
- Medical Marijuana Edibles, HB entitled Medical Marijuana Packaging and Labeling (SB 1096 by Harrell and HB 1215 by Skidmore – (this consumer-friendly bill fixes compliance issues with double layered edibles packaging and identification – this bill championed by Florida Cannabis Action Network)
- Cannabis Offences (SB 94 by Jones – decriminalization, possession of small amounts reduced to a fine – reducing criminal penalties for a first, second, or third violation if the offense is the possession of 20 grams or less of cannabis)
- Protections for Public Employees Who Use Medical Marijuana as Qualified Patients (SB 166 by Polsky and HB 1463 by Driskell- Prohibiting a public employer from taking adverse personnel action against an employee or a job applicant who is a qualified patient for his or her use of medical marijuana championed by Suncoast NORML)
- Relating to Corporate Income Tax (SB 974 by Rodriguez this act would allow MMTCs to include expenses related to their business from state tax liabilities.
- Related to Licensing MMTC (SB 1300 by Davis this act would allow the heirs to Black Farmer Applicants to retain eligibility in the Black Farmer’s License group.
The Bad (or maybe not so bad?):
- Food and Hemp Products (SB 1698 by Burton – redefines THCA and Delta product concentrations, codifies new rules that seek to shut down sales of OTC cannabis-rich products)
- Location of Medical Marijuana Centers, Retail Vape Shops, and On-premises Consumption of Alcohol (HB 1053 by Amesty – New dispensaries, vape shops, and places that serve alcohol not within 1500 ft of church or school. This makes it even harder for new businesses to find storefronts and cultivation centers. Currently, 500 feet where applicable)
- Possession or Use of a Firearm in a Sensitive Location (HB 209 by Rayner – Prohibited possession of a firearm on any site or facility where cannabis is sold for consumption on the premises except by an authorized security guard)
- An Act Relating to Transportation (HB 287 by Espostito, SB 266 by Hooper the Senate version line 420 adds being under the influence of Cannabis to the list of factors that can be used against you in a civil action.
The Ugly:
- Potency for Adult Personal Use of Marijuana (HB 1269 by Massullo – pending passage of Recreational Cannabis via Constitutional Amendment – 10% THC caps on smokables, 60% THC cap on all other products except edibles, 200mg per package cap on edibles. Does not include the current Medical program.
- Requiring Broader Public Support for Constitutional Amendments or Revisions (HJR 335 by Roth – Proposes amendment to State Constitution to increase the percentage of elector votes required to approve the amendment to or revision of State Constitution from 60 percent to 66.67 percent.)
There are still many bills, revisions, and future amendments that will be filed and you can count on Florida Cannabis Action Network to be there for it all. Can we count on you to help support our efforts to help shape good Cannabis policy this year? Please make your best donation possible so we can continue to be heard, take action when needed, and be ever present on these important issues.
Remember, dues-paying members are invited to join us every Wednesday night at 7 PM throughout March 13, 2024, as we discuss these bills and other important issues.
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